
To renew or join on-line, click on the following link: Arabian Horse Membership

Basic Arabian Horse Association membership is $50 and will increase to $55 April 1, 2024.

Competition card if affiliated with Aim or another club is $45.
Members must purchase the competition card if they are showing or wish to participate in many of the AHA programs such as endurance awards or if they wish to receive the Excess Personal Liability Insurance. Please add this amount to your membership fee. Affiliating with an AHA club such as AiM will reduce the cost of the competition card.

AiM dues are $15 a year for adults and $5 for junior members.

Members can also call AHA and use a credit card and renew over the phone if there are any issues with the website.

For more information about membership, contact Sarah Asby at 503-887-2535 or email

Club bylaws.